False Data Injection Attack Testbed of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems of Process Industry and A Detection Application

Hard-in-the-loop Platform


False data injection (FDI) attack is a common and destructive attack method in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPSs), which is mounted in the cyber layer, compromises the measurement data and interferes the physical system at last, especially in the process industry and smart grid. In response, researchers developed many detection method rely on simulation, but the real situations are not ideal simulation environment. This leads to situation in which the high-level methods cannot applied to industrial sites directly. In this paper, we design a testbed of process industry, which is a hardware-in-the-loop platform, to simulate the real industrial production and applied a FDI attack on the platform. The physical process is simulated by a host, and the cyber items are real industrial controller or engineer station. Next, we design an efficient FDI attack detection method, DRIF. Based on our proposed framework, the optimal potential features of high-dimensional industrial process data can be fully extracted, which is conducive to the stage of accurate detection. In addition, it makes our proposed method practicable in real-world scenarios where data instances in normal condition can be used for model training only. The proposed method is applied on the designed platform, and the promising case studies show our framework can achieve satisfactory detection performance, which sheds light on the industrial security to some extent.

In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE)
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Yichi Zhang - 张亦弛
Yichi Zhang - 张亦弛
Engineering Intelligence

My research interests include Cyber-Physical Systems, Complex Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining.